Marissa Tavano

Web Developer

Hi!!, I'm Marissa Tavano and I am a graduate from The College of New Jersey,
with a Bachelor's of Science Degree in Computer Science.

Currently seeking full-time opportunities!

  • JavaScript
  • Goole Apps Script
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Ruby
  • C++
  • Python
  • Google App Engine
  • jQuery
  • jQuery UI
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Flask
  • Web APIs/Services
  • Atom
  • TextWrangler
  • Adobe Suite
  • Microsoft Office
  • VirtualBox
  • Final Cut Pro
  • LogicWorks
Operating Systems
  • Windows (XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10)
  • Linux (Red Hat, Ubuntu, Debian)
  • Mac OS
  • UNIX

Network Engineer
February 2016 - May 2018
Student IT Worker
May 2017 - August 2017
Web Development Intern
September 2015 - May 2018
Vice President
September 2015 - May 2016
Associate Board Member

Summer 2019

Created a website for my dad's printing company using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

HTML CSS JavaScript
Summer 2019

Created a simple, multiple-choice quiz about web development that is generated using JavaScript.

HTML CSS JavaScript
Software Engineering | Spring 2017

Used Ruby on Rails to create a Web App that enables you to convert between different ingredient measurements, view substitutions for various ingredients, scale ingredient measurement amounts, and view useful cooking tips.

Ruby Rails HTML CSS JavaScript
Computer & Network Security | Fall 2016

Designed and developed a Chrome extension that acts as a keylogger to record and store all usernames and passwords that the user enters.

HTML CSS JavaScript
Computer & Network Security | Fall 2016

Conducted ethical hacking in the Kali Linux environment to examine buffer overflow, string format vulnerabilities, and possible exploitations.

Developed Python scripts to hijack control flow, and utilized GNU debugger, gdb, to examine memory contents and get root shell access.

C GNU debugger Kali Linux
Computer & Network Security | Fall 2016

Explored and analyzed the leaked source code for the IoT (Internet of Things) botnet that was behind the DDoS (distributed denial of service) attack on DNS provider Dyn.

C Linux IoT Shell
Computer Architecture | Spring 2016

Constructed a 16-bit virtual machine capable of executing instructions from user-generated assembly code utilizing combination and sequential logic.

Accumulator based architecture that employed a single bus to deliver control signals to system registers.

Assembly Language LogicWorks CSS
Analysis of Algorithms | Spring 2016

Conducted a comparative analysis of Quicksort, Quicksort3, and qsort by implementing each algorithm and then running experiments of different sizes on each.

C Quicksort Quicksort3 qsort
Data Structures | Fall 2015

Collaborated with a group of three students to design and implement a program which stored and read employee details in from a text file.

Designed the ability for the user to add details and for the administrator to add, modify, or delete details
